24 November 2010

what I'm thankful for

I love the Thanksgiving holiday. Its focus is pure: coming together to enjoy a meal and giving thanks for another year on this planet. I am thankful every day for my wildly patient and loving husband and my little Pickle who makes me so darn happy, even when he’s a stubborn 2.5-year-old. I’m thankful for my family – my overly generous and supportive parents and my fun, smart and caring siblings to whom I am so close (how lucky am I?!).

But, as I’ve gotten older, it’s the little things for which I am more and more thankful:
1. My daily thermos of delicious coffee made with such care by my husband.
2. Pickle calling me “my mama, my Sarah” when I pick him up from daycare. Too sweet.
3. A job that helps me enjoy all the little things outside of work.
4. A sunny day.
5. A long run.
6. Not rushing somewhere.
7. A husband who cleans up after I cook!
8. A child who sings all of the time and who walks with purpose and confidence. What a gift.
9. NPR.
10. An abundance of love.

I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Day full of delicious food and drink, lots of hugs and kisses from those you love and, most importantly, a moment to rest and relax.

Cheers, -s.

09 November 2010

I'm not dead and other things

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've been consumed by buying a house and the associated packing that goes with it, but, don't worry, we have been eating (were you really worried about me not eating?). The last farmers' market of the season was on Saturday. It's always a little sad as it is a big part of our Saturday morning riutal and the weather has been pretty amazing, so that makes it even more bittersweet. I loaded up on squash, carrots, brussel sprouts, potatoes, and onions for our winter pantry, while also indulging in some fleeting frost-sweetened spinach and spicy mixed greens. With packing being our main focus, our menus have definitely simplified and leftovers are my best friend. We're really digging my simplified version of Suzanne Goin's roasted squash salad with bitter greens and lardons of bacon. It's divine and the only reason you need to pick up her gorgeous cookbook, Sunday Suppers at Lucques.

Here's what we're eating this week...

Menu: week of 7 November 2010

Sunday: Split pea soup made by my sister Holley (so nice and yummy)

Monday: Take out

Tuesday: Spinach and sausage pasta

Wednesday: Roasted squash salad with lardons and bitter greens

Thursday: Onion tart served with a fennel-apple salad

Friday: Potato and rosemary pizza with fresh ricotta

Happy eating, -s.