30 April 2013

what we're eating

The weather this weekend was incredible. I felt winter finally unclench its steely grasp as the sun warmed my face and I sipped a cocktail on my patio. With the warm weather, dirt and more dirt entered our house via the two little rugrats that make our days sunny, no matter the forecast.

We played outside a lot and even had picnic lunches in the yard, per Pickle's request. The boys got so dirty on Saturday (we were doing some mega-yard work) that they had to take baths after lunch. James was a little confused with the timing.

We hit the farmers' market on Saturday; what a treat! Fresh greens and arugula, red radishes, salumi from Underground Butcher, cheese from Edelweiss Creamery and, of course, a honey stick for Rhys. James sat all cool, with his shades on, in the wagon, taking everything in. That kid really cracks me up sometimes.

As for eating, we did it well this weekend. Burgers with caramalized onions and arugula on Saturday; grilled tri-tip on Sunday with baked potatoes and sour cream and fresh chives from our garden. We were all very hungry from the fresh air and sunshine -- everyone ate all of their dinner (with no asking how many bites constitute being "done") and James sat in his highchair the whole time (with no begging to sit on my lap to eat). Needless to say, it was a very good weekend.

Here's what we're eating this week ...

Menu: week of 29 April 2013
Monday: pizza bianca with fresh arugula/ finnochio salumi
Tuesday: grilled shrimp with coconut rice and fresh mango
Wednesday: eggs poached in tomato sauce/ mixed greens
Thursday: Chris is cooking dinner!
Friday: cream of broccoli soup

Happy eating, -s.

26 April 2013

shake your booty friday and other things ...

Sorry for not posting a weekly menu this week - there wasn't much to report (a.k.a uninspiring). Life was busy and and the freezer was our best friend - meat sauce was defrosted for spinach-ricotta ravioli, a package of chicken thighs made their way into some pre-made tikka masala sauce. Eggs were prominent, as they are easy and fast and the kiddos like them something fierce. And tortas stuffed with roasted turkey, refried black beans and guacamole rounded out the week.

As for this weekend, the weather is finally supposed to be nice, so the grill may make an appearance or two - maybe some tri tip or burgers on brioche rolls. Hungry already! 

The French 75 is one of my favorite cocktails - you know how much I love bubbly. A favorite food blog of mine, Love and Lemons, made a very delicious-sounding version with lavendar syrup. Sounds like the perfect porch-sipper this weekend. Check it out here.

Last, but not least. Time to dance. Have one heck of a good weekend, friends.
x0x0, -s.

19 April 2013

shake your booty friday

I'm hoping this song will help improve the weather here, since the dog days of winter are still hanging around - it was flurrying this morning! Argh. 

Kick up your heels and dance. Have a great weekend.

p.s. how great is this bike/bar? I want to be their friend! And I really want that bike for my impromptu cocktail parties in the park.

p.p.s. My dear friend, Sara, hosted a rockin' bookclub last night and served these noodles. Divine! I expect no less from the Barefoot Contessa.

xoxo, -s.

17 April 2013

it ain't pretty

James the Destroyer
From the photo above, of James unloading our recycling bin and playing with a package of toilet paper, while I am trying to hammer out dinner, you can see that even though I know what we're having for dinner and have the ingredients to make it, there is never an elegant moment in our house while I am cooking. Mr. Klein and I like to do a zone-defence approach to watching the kiddos when cooking, but we typically end up on man-to-man (or rather, more accurately, kid-to-kid) coverage as we try to get dinner on the table.

That's one of the main reasons why I menu-plan each week (and have a glass of wine in hand), because if I had to get home and figure out what to make before even starting to cook, I wouldn't have any hair left (and I have a lot of hair!).  There just isn't any time for hesitation in the kitchen when I'm preventing one child from pouring a whole box of Os on the floor (happened), while Chris is placating the other from his third (fake) injury in the last five minutes. I have our menu tacked to the side of the fridge, so I quickly glance to see what we're having for dinner that night and then I just pull out all the ingredients from the fridge and pantry in one fell swoop.

Often, it's so crazy in the kitchen that I run out of time (or forget) to make a side dish or craft some condiment, so there is always fresh fruit and vegetables in the crisper drawer that can quickly be washed and sliced to serve with the meal. Even if no one under the age of 5 eats them, they are there to ease my parental guilt and in case they get the urge to eat it.

For better or for worse, here's what we're having this week for dinner ...
Menu: week of 15 April 2013
Monday: Stir-fried greens with brown rice and poached eggs
Tuesday: Grilled cheese and avocado sandwiches with apple-celery slaw
Wednesday: Mushroom pizza with steamed broccoli on the side
Thursday: Pasta with meat sauce
Friday: Carrot soup with crusty sourdough bread and butter

happy eating, -s.

12 April 2013

shake your booty friday and a recipe

It's FINALLY the weekend. Hallelujah! It's a bit soggy here in the Mad City, but we're moving in the right direction as the snow has melted and I see a few tulips and crocuses popping up through the ground. Here's a great song to start the weekend. Pour a glass of wine (a cote du Rhone, if you're me) or crack open a beer (preferably an IPA, if you're Mr. Klein) with this one. Cheers!

p.s. Speaking of Mr. Klein ... he's been making a batch of this amazing granola every week - he uses coconut oil, pistachios and dried cherries for his variation. It's delicious with milk or out of hand as a snack.

p.p.s Here's what we're eating this weekend:
Friday: shrimp and pea panang curry with jasmine rice
Saturday: Baked cod and chorizo with potatoes
Sunday: Turkey koftĂ«  with hummus, lemony Greek yogurt, persian cucumbers, whole-grain pita

p.p.p.s I've been trying to clock more miles during my runs as I want to do a half marathon with my sister, Holley, again in August ... here's a recipe for my favorite pre- or post-run smoothie.

My Runner's Smoothie
makes 2 smoothies

1 cup almond milk
1/4 cup Greek yogurt
2 frozen, ripe bananas
2 heaping tablespoons natural peanut butter or almond butter
4-6 medjool dates, chopped
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 tablespoon frozen orange juice concentrate

Add all the ingredients to a blender (add the liquids first), and blend until smooth and creamy. Enjoy!

Happy weekend, -s.

05 April 2013

shake your booty friday and a recipe

Since it's my sweet Pickle's 5th birthday, here's a little ditty to get your weekend going.

p.s Happy Birthday, Pickle. I love you. You are my sweet, sweet boy and you amaze me everyday with your wit and charm and funny personality. I'm so proud of how you're growing. xoxo.

p.p.s We're heading to Rhys's favorite place for dinner, Pizza Brutta, but you can re-create their pizza margarita at home with this recipe I highlighted a little while ago. Serve it with this family favorite:

Fennel and Apple Slaw ala Pizza Bianca
serves 4 hungry bambini

1 teaspoon white wine or champagne vinegar
1 teaspoon maple syrup
big pinch of kosher salt
freshly ground black pepper
4 tablespoons toasted walnut or hazelnut oil

1 fennel bulb, cored and shave
1 tart, crisp apple, cut into matchsticks 
1/4 cup toasted walnuts or candied walnuts
fennel fronds for garnish

In a large serving bowl, add the first 4 ingredients. Whisk to combine, then slowly add the oil. Whisk until emulsified. Taste and adjust as needed.

Add the fennel, apple and walnuts; toss to combine. Garnish with the fluffy fennel tops.


Happy eating, -s.