24 August 2009

this week's menu

Saturday was a good day. We had lots of visitors: my sister and her family came for a Café Soleil-supplied breakfast – the pastries were a big hit with the kiddies and adults; Chris's mom and dad both popped in for visits and Chris and I had a very grown-up date night at L'Etoile. The meal was pretty mind blowing. Can't wait to tell you all about it, but it deserves a post of its own, so you'll just have to wait!

The market is hitting its peak-season stride and is literally spilling over with freshness. It is almost too overwhelming to make a decision on what to buy! We hit the Dane County Farmers' Market at o-dark 30 on Saturday morning and we still hit a major crowd – clearly people have the same idea as us: hit the market early for the good stuff. Here's the “good stuff” we picked up and a weekly menu to match:

At the Market
Broccoli-kale hybrid – very interesting stuff; can't wait to use it!
Dandelion greens
Red bell pepper
Sweet corn
Tomatoes: heirlooms and Juliette

Menu: week of 23 August 2009
Sunday: BLT pizza with roasted Juliette tomatoes, bacon, arugula and roasted garlic – we will be having this every weekend during tomato season, per Chris's request :)
Monday: Sautéed dandelion greens bruschetta with fresh ricotta and oven-baked fresh figs wrapped in bacon
Tuesday: BLTs with green beans vinaigrette
Wednesday: Ina Garten’s roasted vegetable orzo from Barefoot Contessa Parties
Thursday: Sautéed broccoli-kale with spicy sesame whole-wheat noodles topped with a fried egg
Friday: Pasta with corn and zucchini sautéed in brown butter with parmigiano reggiano
Saturday: TBD

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