28 August 2009

this week's menu

My husband and I are of two mindsets when it comes to summer weather: he likes it about 72 degrees, no humidity and sunny; I like it about 82 degrees, a little humidity (my hair looks better when there's some humidity) and sunny.

Well, he's been getting his wish this August. It's been relatively cool and not summer-like at all. But weather be damned! A little cold and rain is not going to stop me from eating like it's hot out! Here's our summer-loving CSA delivery and what we're noshing on this week.

In our CSA box:
Curly Parsley
Green Bell Pepper
Green Zucchini
Heirloom Tomatoes
Mini Red Watermelon
Poblano Pepper
Red Potatoes
Red Slicer Tomatoes
Sungold Tomatoes
Sweet Corn
Yellow Onions

Menu: week of 29 August 2009
Saturday: Corn and poblano soup with warm, crusty bread
Sunday: BLT pizza: told you we were having it every weekend!
Monday: Roasted vegetable orzo pasta salad
Tuesday: Panzanella Caprese
Wednesday: Grilled turkey sausages and peppers with roasted red potatoes
Thursday: Tomato sandwices with a watermelon-bacon-arugula salad
Friday: Whole-wheat pasta with sautéed zucchini, corn and tomato

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