09 September 2009

this week's menu

My sister Holley was reading the book, "The Splendid Table's How to Eat Supper" when she came upon this quote that pretty much sums up why I'm writing this blog:
"You would never know it by going to a supermarket, but children are supposed to eat the same food as their parents." -Dr Marion Nestle.

So true! I never noticed it until I had Pickle, but there are two main consumer groups to which grocers market: adults and children. Even the placement of food is shocking: the mac and cheese, the sweetened cereals, the juice, cookies, fruit snacks, etc., are all at kiddie height. With that food for thought, here’s what we’re eating this week.

At the Market:
Baby purple, yellow and red bell peppers
Baby Yukon gold potatoes
Fountain Prairie Farm skirt steak
Italian flat-leaf parsley
Maple syrup
Mustard greens
Red and White onions
Red bell peppers
Sweet Corn
Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes!

Menu: week of 6 September 2009
Sunday: grilled Fountain Prairie Farm skirt steak and Juliette tomatoes with roasted red potato salad in an herbed yogurt dressing
Monday: BLTs with juicy, juicy muskmelon
Tuesday: fresh ricotta bruschetta with sautéed mustard greens
Wednesday: fresh corn pancakes with a salad of greens (recipe coming soon!)
Thursday: sautéed zucchini and aged cheddar enchiladas bathed in roasted salsa verde
Friday: sausage and peppers with roasted eggplant

Happy eating!

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