05 June 2010

happy birthday!

This little blog 'o mine is officially a year old. Where does time go?

A year ago, my own hungry bambino was a little over a year old, eating beet greens and mushrooms. While Pickle is still eating mushrooms, the beet greens are no longer tolerated. I'm not complaining though; Pickle is a source of inspiration and wonderment for me, as he tries foods for the first time with wide-eyed abandon and I get to relive all those firsts again! He has definitely changed the way I cook and I think it is for the better.

So, to mark this small occasion, I wanted to thank all the readers of this blog, especially those of you who have tried my recipes. And thanks to those who leave comments – those make my day!
This blog would not exist without all the amazing farmers and food producers who inspire nearly every meal, especially the hardworking, talented and passionate folks behind Driftless Organics — can’t wait for my first CSA box of the season!

And a big thanks to my immensely talented friend Katie for inspiring me to do this in the first place.

Happy eating,


  1. happy anniversary hungry bambino - thanks for all the farmers market inspiration :)

  2. Happy Birthday Hungry Bambino!! Thank you, Sarah. You're a great blog buddy (and real-life buddy too.)
