02 August 2010

this week's menu

Chris started his new job a few weeks ago, which means that he hasn’t been home until late most evenings. This has wrecked havoc on my nightly cooking routine since he would typically take Pickle on some sort of mini-adventure, providing me with 30 minutes of uninterrupted prep time — heaven. Without him, my menus have fallen to pieces and I have to whip things together on the fly or make my standard fallback of grilled cheese with avocado.

This week, I think I’ve got things figured out: meals that are either leftover friendly or easy to prep with a two-year-old running under foot. We’ll see how it goes … we can always have another grilled cheese and avocado sandwich, especially if it is made with Big Ed’s Farmstyle Gouda. Yum.

In the box:
Banana pepper
Chioggia Beets
Cippolini Onions
Green Beans
Green Bell Peppers
Jalapeno Peppers
Sauté Mix
Sungold Tomatoes
Tomatoes — Roma and heirloom

Menu: week of 31 July 2010
Saturday: crostata of cippolini onions, sungold tomatoes and Big Ed’s Farmstyle Gouda from Saxon Creamery with sautéed corn
Sunday: zucchini pancakes with curried Greek yogurt and sungold-tomato salsa cruda (see photo above)
Monday: spicy ground pork with sautéed greens and brown rice
Tuesday: pappardelle with sautéed broccoli, green beans and zucchini in a Parmigiano Reggiano infused cream
Wednesday: mixed peppers and sausage pizza
Thursday: pappa al pomodoro
Friday: roasted beet and salumi sandwiches with arugula and creamy Parmigiano dressing

happy eating, -s.

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