30 August 2010

this week's menu

Someone recently asked me how my summer was (as in past tense, over, done, finito) ... I know it's almost Labor Day, but as someone whose birthday typically lands on one of two days — either the last day of summer or the first day of fall — summer is most definitely not over (at least not for another 23 days)! And while I am learning that outdoor swimming pools close around this time of year and stores are filled with wool and tweed, Mother Nature — via farmers' market stands, CSA boxes and 90-degree days — is still screaming "SUMMER!" And so am I ... winter in Wisconsin is long. I'm savoring every hot day I can. We're still eating summer-style. I hope you do too. Stews and soups and casseroles can wait a few weeks, can't they?

In the box:
Cippolini Onions
Dragon Tongue Beans
Poblano Peppers
Patty Pan Squash
Red Lettuce
Red Onions
Roma Tomatoes
Sweet Mini Peppers

At the market:
hazelnut grahams from Potter's Crackers
Sassy Cow ice cream
sourdough raisin rolls from Madison Sourdough co.
tomatoes: slicers and red zebra

Menu: week of 28 August 2010
ratatouille-stuffed grilled cheese sandwiches
Sunday: oven-roasted tomato and goat cheese pizza with fresh basil
Monday: chicken salsa verde with corn tortillas and a black-bean salad
Tuesday: roasted vegetable, orzo and feta salad
Wednesday: sausage and sweet pepper ciabatta sandwiches served with fresh dragon tongue beans
Thursday: linguine with basil pesto served with a tomato salad
Friday: TBD

Happy eating, -s.

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