21 November 2012

most thankful

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, as it is singularly focused on food and wine. Nothing better in my opinion! We will be heading to my childhood home to be with family and eat my mom's amazing food. Since the kiddos are slowly outnumbering the adults, I am bringing some kid-friendly snacks to tide us over until dinner, mainly coconut-oil-popped popcorn and sugar-glazed rosemary and cayenne-spiked nuts.

We've had a tough year and it's not over, but I'm so thankful for so many things. So thankful for our warm and cozy home. So thankful that I can nourish my boys with the food I make ... food that's full of love and other good stuff. So thankful for my strong, amazingly talented husband. So thankful for good friends who check in on me. So thankful for 332 electoral votes. So thankful that people still want to help those who cannot help themselves. 

Have a beautiful Thanksgiving.
Happy eating, -s.

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