26 July 2013

shake your booty friday

harmony valley farm stand @ dane county farmers market
Hello, lovelies! How did we get to Friday already? Summer is moving fast. There doesn't seem to be enough time to cook everything I want to cook! And we're not even to corn or tomato season yet. Yikes. What's a girl to do?  

p.s. here's a little song that makes me happy... hope it does the same for you.

p.p.s. Mr. Klein is BBQing ribs on Saturday. I think some corn pudding is a must along with some vinegary cucumber salad ... and maybe some sour-cherry sorbetto for dessert -- we still have a lot of cherries to use (and pit by hand!)

p.p.p.s. Goodness, don't these look too good for words?

p.p.p.p.s. as a lover of food-based literature, I must read this book!

Happy eating, -s.

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