27 August 2013

birthday boy

sweet james: a few days old / 1 year / 2 years
Well, I cannot believe our little Lumpy turned two years old on Sunday. That sweet bird of a baby has really grown into such a special little guy. And while adding another child to the mix has been a practice in controlling chaos, James is such a bright spot in all of our lives that I'll take the constant home-destruction, 5:45 a.m. wake-up calls and super-duper noisiness for all of his kisses, hugs and belly laughs. His joy, enthusiasm and happiness are tightly crammed into that little body and they burst forth with such vigor. He is excited to wake up in the morning and start his day and that exuberance doesn't stop until his head hits the pillow at night. He adores his big brother "RRRHY" as he calls him and always copies what Rhys is doing (for better or worse). So, happy birthday sweet James. You fill our hearts to the brim and we love you so, so much ...

Here's what we had for James's birthday dinner:

Creamy sweet corn soup -- for the boy who eats several bowls of soup at one sitting
Grilled flatiron steaks with rosemary and pink-peppercorns
Heirloom tomato salad
Cupcakes for candle-blowing, birthday wishing and, of course, dessert

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