20 September 2013

happy birthday ... to me!

Tomorrow is my birthday. And while I don't really dread getting older per se, I don't like the fact that I run a lot and I still have some extra junk in the trunk no matter how much I run. I'm sure it's the wine-drinking, but I am not giving that up. Maybe I need Gwyneth's trainer to whip me into shape ... that would be nice. Last-minute gift, anyone?! Wink, wink.

I love cooking for my family when it's their turn to celebrate, but when it's my birthday, I want no fuss - but I do want yummy food - so we'll be ordering Indian takeout from my favorite place. I am also not a big cake fan, so a warm apple crisp with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream will wear a candle for my birthday wishing. 

Oh, and there will be wine drinking ... red, of course. 

p.s. happy birthday to me. dance, dance, dance.

p.p.s. Bill Murray (love him!) and Leonard Cohen share my birthday. Happy birthday, fellas!

p.p.p.s. Tomorrow is also the official last day of summer ... autumn starts on Sunday. Time for wood-burning fires, long walks in crunchy leaves, hot-chocolate sipping and apple picking.

p.p.p.p.s. If you live in the Madison-area, head to REAP Food Group's annual Food for Thought festival just off the Capital Square this Saturday. It's a great event that celebrates our amazing, local, sustainable food scene.

quote of the week: Remember food is precious. Good food can only come from good ingredients. Its proper price includes the cost of preserving the environment and paying fairly for the labor of the people who produce it. Food should never be taken for granted. - Alice Waters, from her wonderful cookbook, The Art of Simple Food.

Happy eating, -s. xoxo

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