29 January 2013

Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever?

Crazy Town has a new name: Sick Town. First it was James with goopy eyes and nose and a terrible, sneezy cold. Up next, Pickle, who had high temps and a hacking cough for five days (and counting). Mr. Klein was out of commission today. I am trying to mentally fight off any bugs roaming around my body, but these viruses the Klein boys have had are doozies. That means lots of hydrating food: juice, fruit, veggies, soup and smoothies. It also means some power foods: walnuts, avocado, cruciferous vegetables, spinach, blueberries and legumes.
Do you have your go-to cold remedy? I like Vick's Vaporub and hot soaks in the tub (really want to try this soak). And when I'm down for the count, I love to drink my 'sick-puppy' tonic of mint herbal tea, lemon, honey and a stiff shot of brandy and two aspirin. It works wonders an hour before bed.
Here's what some of us (okay, mainly me) are eating this week:
Saturday: squash macaroni and cheese with cheddar and farmhouse gouda; mixed greens with apples and walnuts
Sunday: potatoes dauphinois with ham; mixed greens with walnuts
Monday: creamy broccoli soup with apple-walnut slaw
Tuesday: leftover mac-n-cheese with an avocado-tomato salad
Wednesday: spicy stir-fried ground turkey with julienned broccoli stems
Thursday: ginger-carrot soup with crusty bread
Friday: pizza night - spinach Florentine pizza

Stay healthy and Happy eating, -s.

1 comment:

  1. Feel better guys! xxx auntie pam & uncle steve
